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Niveaustufe C 2

Englisch C2: Conversation
Mi. 25.09.2024 18:00

Am Ende der Stufe C2 können Sie sich sicher und mühelos an allen Diskussionen beteiligen. Sie können jede Art geschriebenen Textes mühelos lesen und komplexe Berichte verfassen.

They say that after you learn to swim or ride a bike, you will never forget it. Speaking English is not like that! English language skills fade if they are not used. Many curious and controversial issues will develop in the English-speaking world - and in Germany - in 2024. Whether these relate to culture, education, food, lifestyles, politics, religion, technology, travel, etc., here's your chance to talk about what's trending at the moment and into the future. So, put down your TV remote, turn off your Smartphone and drive, walk or cycle to the VHS and join us for 90 minutes of entertaining, humorous, light-hearted, serious English conversation! Material wird zur Verfügung gestellt.

Kursnummer XH52510
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 136,50
Dozent*in: David Seymour
16.09.24 09:14:30